I've had quite a long break from drawing, so at the moment you can imagine I'm trying to remind myself how to draw. I'm getting mixed results, so not much gets finished, really, in spite of the amount of sketches piling up.
The above is the first one of such pieces that I actually managed to complete. At that, I've made a few different versions of it, including one with a name on each panel, a black-and-white version, and a coloured version. So if I come back to these WIPs and finish them, I might submit them here, too.
When it comes to the idea behind this page, it's based on an idea I had for one of the pages in the Shinjuugakure comic's second chapter, when the three nekonin meet with the Tsumekage in his office. I'm not sure at this point whether or not I will use the above page as the page in the comic, or just redraw the whole thing, since the comic page is similar to it, but has a few minor differences. As far as the colours are concerned, they're obviously based on each character's favourite colour / the predominant colour of clothes they wear.
Okay, so now it's time for me to go back to the heap of unfinished sketches (and the unfinished pages of the first chapter of the comic *cough* *cough*). If anything gets done, I'll submit it here and to my dA page (http://pumidlo.deviantart.com), of course.
Till next time!