Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Techniques: Pumpshire Pumidło - Raiton: Raiken (2011 Revised Digital)


The digital, revised version of the traditional drawing of the same title back from April 2009. The whole thing didn't take too long, only around 4 hours of peaceful work at night, however I did have a moment when I thought I'd start climbing walls towardsthe half mark of drawing the lightning. It was a good exercise as I wasn't sure how I would draw it as I've never attempted drawing lightning before. At least now it doesn't look so much like an icicle as it did during the drawing process... >.>

As a curiosity, I eventually decided to upload the recording of the W.I.P. to YouTube. However, instead of the intended 5 parts there can only be 4, because of my own stupidity while trying to rid the 3rd part of bugs, where in the end I lost the whole video. But the good news is only a small portion of the work was lost (to the onlooker of course, in real time it was something around an hour or so of work). Embedding the videos here, so watch if you've got the patience and/or are interested. Enjoy!

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