At that time, Junko said, 'Oh, I think I'm going to lose sight of you...'
...Huh? Oh, yeah! Here's another page I finished, from what I can see now, yesterday, but forgot to upload.
Mangetsu's basically got two books - one she uses because she has to, the other she carries, because... well, b e c a u s e. You'll see. And she also remembers some things, both pleasant and bitter.
Anyway, I don't know Japanese, so anyone who does, could you please tell me whether the signs on the book can stay the way they are or whether they're such an eyesore that I should correct them, thank you!
Update: Unified the format; removed the kanji on the book cover until I get it done properly :3; looks crappy as hell in the new format, I'll have to watch out next time.
Update 2: Changed the text font, edited some dialogue (monologue, to be honest...) and speech bubbles, and made it bigger! Rejoice!
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